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850 Commando
Customer Combat
Partial Rebuild July 24
Customer Combat
Build Oct 23
Shipped 7/13/24
1975 Norton Wiring
Pickup 06/07/24
Combat 5
Roadster 850
Blue 69S
Delivered 05/17/24
High Mileage 850
Delivered 03/26/24
Mk3 Engine & Gearbox
Delivered 03/07/23
1973 Customer
BasketCase Build
Delivered 07/15/22
1974 Norton 850
Commando Rebuild
Sold 01/12/21
Updated 06/10/21
Customer Combat
Delivered 09/07/20
1974 Norton Wiring
Completed 07/27/20
1972 Norton 750
Commando Rebuild
Completed 05/15/19
First Place Norton 05/16/19
Sold 01/01/20
1972 Norton Wiring
Completed 07/19/18
Customer Combat
and 69S Builds
Closed 10/18/23
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
January 25, 2022 Got a call today - the raw Roadster tanks are in. Ordered five to be sent directly to my painter in CA. So, I now have the tanks and one set of side covers. Also got a email hat the restored speedo and tachs are one their way to me.
January 22, 2022 Spent time today disassembling a partial bike I had on a lift so I can store it away � won't be working on it for a long time. Then I started working on putting my rider together enough to get it off the table � I won't have time for it for quite a while. I really need to get enough space to move and I need to get the 69S on a table and get the other table cleared for the basket case build.
January 16, 2022 I have several projects that I'm trying to complete by the end of Spring 2022. Yesterday, I got a new order for a 1972 Yellow Combat Roadster that I plan to have ready during the summer of 2022. Late last year I bought everything a guy in MI had which included three bikes and lots of parts. I am so packed in now that I can hardly move so it�s time to rearrange and put things in the order I�ll need them to get this all done. I have two of my roll around tables that I build, one lift, and a workbench. Here�s what needs to happen.
My rider has been on one table a long time as I was re-painting and fixing somethings. Need to get the back end back together so I can take it down � I have no time to ride anyway.
Customer Combat Build
is almost done and no longer needs to be on a table. The guy who bought it also bought the 69S I got in the deal above. That does need to be on a table for the things I need to do to it.
Customer Basket Case Build
is on the workbench right now and will need a table once the power until is ready.
The lift has a bitsa bike that I sold the engine out of so it needs to come apart and be stored. The Combat from the deal above can then go on the lift.
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8116 Arlington Blvd. #171, Falls Church, VA 22042, (703) 200-4025